We’re finally up and running for 2022.
We need your help, however. In the past we have had a few folks who did not respect our neighbors, and we really can’t have that. So we’re asking that if you come to see the lights that you abide by the following:
- Do not turn around or park in any driveway except ours. The road loops around back to Orchard Drive so there is no reason to turn around anyway.
- It is not okay to park across the street. Pulling over on our side is fine.
- Keep your radio down so it cannot be heard outside of your car. It’s louder and carries farther than you think (especially heavy bass). Step outside and check sometime.
- Do not honk.
- If you tell anyone about the lights, tell them about these rules, too.
Most folks hear about us by word of mouth, and these things are important to mention. If folks disrespect our neighbors then we can’t do this anymore. Humbug.
So with that out of the way, we’re up and running at 38 Applegate Lane in Wilton (please approach from AppleWOOD lane, see below) from 5:00 to 9:30 pm until Christmas, and then until the first relatively warm day after that so we can take everything down (or Dec 31st, whichever comes first). We will also shut down if traffic gets out of hand and our neighbors are not being respected.
If you come in to Applegate Lane by way of Applewood Lane then you’ll already be on the right side of the road. Just take the first left after Applegate onto Applewood if you’re coming from Wilton, and then another left onto Applegate to find us. Once you’re here you can tune to 96.9 FM, park in OUR driveway, or stop on OUR side of the road.
Please remember that we may be down some nights due to extreme weather or equipment issues. The lights we use aren’t your ordinary off-the-shelf Christmas lights and they’re very sensitive to water issues. We’ll try to post on Facebook when we’re down but can’t promise.
Be sure to check out Bean’s Corner Lights. They’re about 7 minutes away, and have a much better parking situation.
From our family to yours, Happy Thanksgiving, Merry Christmas, and best wishes for all of our other seasonal holidays this time of year. Or as we like to say, Merry Christma-kwanza-hanukkah! Blessings to all!